Greens Parkway

A two mile stretch of the urban boulevard/ streetscape revitalization of Greens Parkway, in Greenspoint, involved repair of existing and addition of new sidewalks, embracing and managing now large live oak street trees as well as redesign of a large median park space. LANDology managed to preserve all existing trees while converting the space from a formal, orthogonally arranged plaza which emphasized hard surfaces and a reflecting pool into a free flowing urban garden oasis intended to house up to 20 various public art installations. Despite literally being located within a boulevard median, we sculpted the land and arranged the pathway circulation to yield a very pleasant pedestrian experience worthy of drawing nearby office workers to the outdoors. The center of the park space features a sunken rain garden designed to detain storm water. In addition to being ecologically responsible, this also provides a dynamic experience within the space after rain events.